The Little Red Hen – English Short Stories for Kids.

Little Red Hen Story
The Little Red Hen Story

The Little Red Hen – English Short Stories for Kids.

On a beautiful farm, there lived many animals and birds. One day, The Red Hen found a grain of wheat in the farmyard.

She asked the other animals and birds on the farm, “Who wants to plant this wheat grain?”. The duck, Cat, and Goose were lazy and quickly refused to do any work.

So, little Red Hen planted the grain of wheat. When the wheat was ripe, the little Red hen again asked the others, “Who will take this wheat to the mill?”.  The duck, Cat, and goose again ignored the little Red hen and continued their work.

When it was time to make bread with the flour, the red hen did all the work by herself. The duck, cat, and goose stood close thinking that they too would get a share. But the hen refused to give the share and said, “I will eat my bread alone as I did all the work.” She called her chicks and they all had a feast.

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