Moral Stories

The Bear and The Two Friends – English Short Story for Kids

Two Friends and Bear Story
The Bear and The Two Friends Story

The Bear and The Two Friends Short Story for Kids

Shyman and Ram were good friends. One day they were passing through a forest.

Two Friends and Bear Story
The Bear and Two Friends – Kid’s Moral Stories

On their way, they saw a bear coming towards them.

Two Friends and Bear Story
The Bear and Two Friends – Short Story for Children

Shyam ran and climbed up a nearby tree.

Two Friends and Bear Story
The Bear and Two Friends – Short Story for Kids with Picture & PDF

Ram did not know the skill of climbing a tree. But he showed the presence of mind. He had heard that wild animals do not hurt dead bodies. 

Two Friends and Bear Story
The Bear and Two Friends – Online Short Stories

So he lay down still on the ground. He closed his eyes and held back his breath. The bear came to Ram.

Two Friends and Bear Story
The Bear and Two Friends Kids Short Story pdf

He sniffed Ram’s Ears. He thought that the man was dead and went away.

Two Friends and Bear Story
The Bear and Two Friends – English Short Story

When the bear was out of sight, Shyam climbed down the tree. He went to Ram and asked, “What did the bear tell you into your ear?”. Ram said, “The Bear told me to keep away from a selfish friend like you”.

Two Bears Story
Moral Stories – The Bear and the Two Friends

Moral Of the Story: 

  • A Friend in need is a friend indeed.

  • Hard times will always reveal true friends

You can also download this The Bear and The Two Friends Story PDF.

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