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The First Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor – Short Story for Kids – Adventures Journey.

The First Voyage of Sindbad The Sailor

Origin of the Story:

Once, a poor porter named Hindbad came across a lovely mansion and envied its master. Sindbad, The sailor who was the master of the mansion, enquired about his envy and offered him wine and food to eat. Then Sindbad narrated his adventures of Seven Voyages and how he became rich to the porter and others at his mansion. Every day, Sindbad would narrate his voyage experience to Hindbad and send him home with one hundred sequins.

The Story of First Voyage:

After his father’s death, Sindbad spent all his wealth and was left with nothing. But then, he decided to work hard and earn all the wealth back. He decided to become a merchant. Sindbad joined some merchant traders at Basrah on a ship to reach out to different countries.

Sindbad Story
The First Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor Story pdf

The crew halted on a small island for rest. As they were hungry, some crew members started to cook, and Sindbad decided to look around the island. Suddenly, everything around him began to shake. All the crew members ran and got to the ship. But they didn’t notice that they left Sindbad behind. Then they realized it was not an island but the back of a sleeping whale. The whale started going under the water.

Sindbad Story
The First Voyage of Sindbad – Arabian Nights Stories for Children

Sindbad was left floating in the ocean with the help of a wooden log. He floated for several days and finally reached the shore of an island. 

Sindbad Story
Sindbad the Sailor Short Story

There, he saved the King’s horse from a supernatural sea monster. The King gratefully accepted him and gave him a job on his port. One day, the ship that abandoned him came to the port. 

Sindbad Story
Short Stories for Children

He went to the King and told him he was leaving for his homeland. As the King was pleased with his work, he gave him many rewards, which Sindbad traded and became rich.

Sindbad Story
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You may also like to read
1. The Second Voyage of Sindbad.
2. The Third Voyage of Sindbad.
3. The Fourth Voyage of Sindbad.
4. The Fifth Voyage of Sindbad.
5. The Sixth Voyage of Sindbad.
6. The Seventh Voyage of Sindbad.

You can also download The First Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor Story pdf.
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