The Farmer and The Well – Honest Moral Story

Farmer and Well Story
The Farmer and The Well – Moral Story for Kids

The Farmer and The Well – Moral Story

A farmer in a village was looking for a water source for his small farm and bought a well from his neighbour.

Stone well in nature scene cartoon style illustration

The next day, the farmer came to draw water from his well. But the cunning neighbour refused to let the farmer take water. The farmer asked, “Why are you not letting me take water.” The neighbour replied, “I sold the well, not the water.”

The Farmer and The Well – English Short Story with Pictures

The farmer didn’t know what to do. So, he went to the kingdom’s emperor to ask for justice.

The emperor called Birbal, a clever courtier of Emperor Akbar, to solve the case. Birbal visited the neighbour and enquired him about the well.

The Farmer and The Well Short Stories for Kids in PDF

Birbal visited the neighbour and enquired him about the well. The cunning neighbour said the same thing again, ” I sold the well and not the water. So, he cannot use the water from my well.” Birbal replied, “As you have sold the well, you can’t keep your water in the well. Take the water out or use it all up. Or else, the water will belong to the farmer.” Realizing his cunning idea had failed him. He apologized and went home.

Moral of the Story:

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